There are perhaps numerous ways to begin tackling the problem of food insecurity in Africa as a whole; RAAI has chosen to tackle this problem by creating transparency and safety for agricultural investors in order to attract more investment, local and/or foreign to the African agricultural sector. The African Geodata Project is a project in collaboration with Eagle Eye GmbH and Smart Planet GmbH- our industry partners in sustainable development on this project. Together with our experts, the collaboration seeks to improve agricultural outcomes in the following ways:

  1. Convince investors of transparency through satellite monitoring/ surveillance of agricultural processes leading to increased investor trust and increased funding of the agricultural sector.

  2. Yield improvement through crop vitality monitoring and actionable intelligence/ best practices (e.g optimization of irrigation channels, best locations, crop choices and so on).

  3. Yield forecasts for supply chain development and planning to prevent wastage and/or financial loss.

  4. Flood and pest alarm.

We believe that using our AI technology to interpret satellite data, we can attract additional foreign and local investments to the agricultural sector in Africa by helping to monitor these investments. In addition to this, we can provide actionable intelligence on the best locations and best practices for obtaining maximum crop yield in a given farm season.

Improving Agricultural yields through Geodata in rural Kachia

Kachia Local Government Signs agreement with RAAI.

The funding and investments which will flow into the sector will lead to the employment of hundreds of thousands of youths and famers automatically leading to a decline in crime rates, insecurity and violence. The productivity gained as a result will boost the economy of the regions as it emerges a formidable exporter of agricultural products on the continent.


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Forum, in collaboration with the Bussiness, Governance and Economics Forum of the RAAI is seeking to develop self-sustaining economic solutions to the problem of food supply shortage and unemployment in some of the poorest regions of the African continent. Nangula Nghiyalwa of the RAAI has been researching Earth Sensing and Observation Technologies at the Friedrich Schiller University, Germany, which she believes can be of immense benefit to agriculture and Urban development on the continent.

For this reason, in 2021, the RAAI established a partnership with EagleEye GmbH, field experts in the utilization of Geodata for best practices in Urban and Regional Planning, Agriculture, and as well as Security, and Climate Change monitoring. RAAI also established a working partnership with Smart Planet Platform, a platform for integrating georeferenced data and algorithms into legacy applications in environmental and agricultural management.

This multi-stage project aims to implement advanced monitoring technologies in farming and agriculture in some of the most remote parts of Africa to boost investor confidence in the Agricultural sector. Actionable intelligence generated from complex advanced algorithms running on georeferenced data can be used to significantly improve agricultural investment outcomes, enhancing yields and directly tackling food shortages. Advanced stages of the project will include a complete technology transfer; training locals to independently run surveillance, monitoring, and analyses.

In the near future, the African Geodata project aims to expand to address issues bordering on Climate Change, Security, Natural resource protection and monitoring as well as Environmental planning and protection.

Project Collaborators

Nangula Nghiyalwa

Doctoral Researcher

Expert in Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

Reinhardt Schink

PhD, Strategic Management and Finance

Expert in Management and Strategy

EagleEye GmbH

Andreas Kühnen

Geoinformation Business Development Expert

EagleEye GmbH


Prince Oguguo

PhD, Innovation Strategy

Expert in innovation,

venture incubation and acceleration,

and cultural industries.

Amanda Ogbuagu

Communications Expert

Secretary of the African Geodata Project collaboration


Kaduna State Government, Nigeria

Local Partners on the Geodata for Africa Project

Bertole Machine-Tool LTD, Nigeria

Local Partners on the Geodata for Africa Project

Eagle-Eye GmbH

Geodata for Agriculture Experts

SmartPlanet GmbH

Geo-refrenced data analysis Experts

This project is currently seeking local partners.

If you think your community can benefit from this project, Apply here!

Watch H.E Gerd Müller, Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, talk about his reasons for launching the Marshall Plan with Africa.